Flexible and Transparent Pricing Tailored to your Organization

Taille dentreprise

Aligned to your workforce

Skillup’s license is priced according to the size of your workforce, making it an ideal solution for small and medium-size companies with between 100 and 5,000 employees.


No hidden costs

Tired of being surprised by unexpected costs? At Skillup, the price of our annual license includes service, support, maintenance, upgrades, etc., for complete transparency.

Selon votre usage de la solution

Adapted to your needs

Create your Talent Management System à la carte...you only pay for the modules that your team needs: Learning and Development, Performance Reviews, Skills Management or Strategic Workforce Planning.

Elevate your Talent Management with 4 Intuitive Modules

Learning and Development
Performance Reviews
Skills Management
Strategic Workforce Planning

An innovative training management platform designed to enable HR teams to maximize employee development while simplifying their administrative tasks.

  • Customizable employee portals
  • A complete training catalog enriched by more than 60,000 courses from over 200 organizations
  • Easily receive and manage training requests as well as employee development plans
  • Hot and cold training evaluations
  • Document tracking and employee reports

Digitalize employee reviews and maximize the success of your performance management process.

  • Annual performance reviews, quarterly reviews, peer reviews, etc.
  • Set and track KPIs and objectives
  • Monitor campaigns in real time
  • Automated notification system and electronic signatures
  • Exploit actionable performance review data

Easily identify and evaluate employee skills with a library of job descriptions and skill maps

  • Create job descriptions in just a few clicks using artificial intelligence
  • Build a complete library of skills
  • Individual skills assessment with customizable scale
  • Collective skills mapping

The Strategy Workforce Planning solution designed to match employee potential with their performance

  • Involve managers in the decision-making process
  • Centralize performance review, training and compensation data
  • Effortlessly lead meetings, manage requests, and make decisions with an intuitive interface.
  • Create 9-box grids with fully customizable dimensions
Learning and Development

An innovative training management platform designed to enable HR teams to maximize employee development while simplifying their administrative tasks.

  • Customizable employee portals
  • A complete training catalog enriched by more than 60,000 courses from over 200 organizations
  • Easily receive and manage training requests as well as employee development plans
  • Hot and cold training evaluations
  • Document tracking and employee reports
Performance Reviews

Digitalize employee reviews and maximize the success of your performance management process.

  • Annual performance reviews, quarterly reviews, peer reviews, etc.
  • Set and track KPIs and objectives
  • Monitor campaigns in real time
  • Automated notification system and electronic signatures
  • Exploit actionable performance review data
Skills Management

Easily identify and evaluate employee skills with a library of job descriptions and skill maps

  • Create job descriptions in just a few clicks using artificial intelligence
  • Build a complete library of skills
  • Individual skills assessment with customizable scale
  • Collective skills mapping
Strategic Workforce Planning

The Strategy Workforce Planning solution designed to match employee potential with their performance

  • Involve managers in the decision-making process
  • Centralize performance review, training and compensation data
  • Effortlessly lead meetings, manage requests, and make decisions with an intuitive interface.
  • Create 9-box grids with fully customizable dimensions

Trusted by over 200 Clients

  • CAPEOS-Conseils-Expertise-Comptable-Logo
  • Audeo
  • Logo panpharma
  • Beaumarly_logo_Gilbert-et-Thierry-Costes
  • Bamitel logo
  • Arkolia energie logo 02
  • Roederer
  • Izi solutions renov
  • Xelians
  • resah_logo
  • Tenergie
  • FDJ
  • Rougegorge
  • figaro
  • CA indosuez
  • sarp veolia
  • bpifrance
  • aon
  • synetis
  • ipeca

Dedicated to Delivering Outstanding Customer Service

Expert Support
Scalable and Stable Application
Security and Privacy (GDPR)

A deeply rooted culture of customer satisfaction, we prioritize attentive listening, close collaboration, rapid responses, exceptional service, and efficient solutions.

  • A dedicated account manager for your HR department
  • Accessible by phone, email or chat
  • Average email response time of 12 minutes
  • Average chat response time of 2 minutes
  • Service included in license fee
  • Rated 9.2/10 by our customers
Accompagnement humain Skillup

Our engineering team continuously enhances the application and is committed to service availability and bug resolution.

  • Continuous improvement of the application ensures that new features are accessible to all users
  • Service availability of 99%
  • Critical anomaly: response time within 2 hours, resolution within 24 hours
  • Minor anomaly: response time within 4 hours, resolution within 15 days
Application évolutive et stable

Strong commitment to data security and regulatory compliance

  • 100% hosting in France
  • Annual penetration testing by a PASSI-certified organization to meet OWASP criteria
  • Regularly updated security assurance plan
  • Internal security charter
  • Secure user authentication
  • Complete data transferability
  • Pseudonymization of data
Sécurité et RGPD
Expert Support

A deeply rooted culture of customer satisfaction, we prioritize attentive listening, close collaboration, rapid responses, exceptional service, and efficient solutions.

  • A dedicated account manager for your HR department
  • Accessible by phone, email or chat
  • Average email response time of 12 minutes
  • Average chat response time of 2 minutes
  • Service included in license fee
  • Rated 9.2/10 by our customers
Accompagnement humain Skillup
Scalable and Stable Application

Our engineering team continuously enhances the application and is committed to service availability and bug resolution.

  • Continuous improvement of the application ensures that new features are accessible to all users
  • Service availability of 99%
  • Critical anomaly: response time within 2 hours, resolution within 24 hours
  • Minor anomaly: response time within 4 hours, resolution within 15 days
Application évolutive et stable
Security and Privacy (GDPR)

Strong commitment to data security and regulatory compliance

  • 100% hosting in France
  • Annual penetration testing by a PASSI-certified organization to meet OWASP criteria
  • Regularly updated security assurance plan
  • Internal security charter
  • Secure user authentication
  • Complete data transferability
  • Pseudonymization of data
Sécurité et RGPD

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