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Optimize your Skills Management Process

Easily identify and evaluate employee skills to best prepare your organization for the future.

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Enhance your Skills Management Strategy from A to Z


Job descriptions made easy

Effortlessly build a complete library of job descriptions using innovative AI tools

  • Streamline the creation of new job descriptions with AI

  • Generate complete, relevant job descriptions in just a few clicks

  • Save valuable time enabling HR to concentrate on high value-added tasks

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Choose the right skills for each position

Import a full array of job descriptions directly into the tool

  • Organize job descriptions based on specific categories (department, hierarchy, profession, etc.) 

  • Structure and arrange skills by level  

  • Create a list of employees whose skills match specific job descriptions

  • Empower employees to identify additional skills via a database

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Evaluate skills during performance review campaigns

Integrate performance review templates to enable managers to assess the skills referenced in employees' job description

  • Compare the current skill levels to the expected level of proficiency 

  • Empower employees to assess their own skills via self-evaluations

  • Consolidate skill assessment data within the HR portal

  • Generate skill maps enabling employees, managers, and HR to identify skill gaps with ease


Facilitate job description distribution

Build your company's job description library and skill maps by centralizing data in the HR portal

  • Provide employees with access to their job description content and associated skills

  • Give employees and managers open access to all company job descriptions 

  • Easily identify job descriptions that correspond to the most common skills possessed by your workforce 

  • Detect internal mobility opportunities and develop personalized career plans 

  • From the HR portal, administrators can edit and update job descriptions

Take Skills Management to the Next Level


integration with our Performance Review module to assess skills and identify critical gaps

2 mins

to generate job descriptions using our AI tool

1 complete skills map

including as many categories as desired

Strengthen the Connection Between HR, Employees and Managers

Communicate clearly and effectively

  • 100% customizable job descriptions and library of skills, in line with your sector and standards
  • Clearly communicate company expectations through simple, concrete documentation
  • Easily update your library of skills and job descriptions as professions and sectors evolve

Empower Managers to support your workforce

  • Access to your team's complete collection of job descriptions
  • Evaluate employees' skills by level with clear descriptions
  • Clear and fluid discussions centered around the expectations for each position

Prioritize employee engagement & skill development

  • Maintain accessible job descriptions from the employee profile: mission, objectives, skills, etc.
  • Identify and measure skills through self-assessments
  • Build career plans tailored to employees' aspirations and your company's strategy

Dedicated to Delivering Outstanding Customer Service

Expert Support
Scalable and Stable Application
Security and Privacy (GDPR)

A deeply rooted culture of customer satisfaction, we prioritize attentive listening, close collaboration, rapid responses, exceptional service, and efficient solutions.

  • A dedicated account manager for your HR department
  • Accessible by phone, email or chat
  • Average email response time of 12 minutes
  • Average chat response time of 2 minutes
  • Service included in license fee
  • Rated 9.2/10 by our customers
Accompagnement humain Skillup

Our engineering team is dedicated to continuously improving our application, ensuring service availability and prompt bug resolutions.

  • Continuous improvement of the application ensures that new features are accessible to all users
  • Service availability of 99%
  • Critical anomaly: response within 2 hours, resolution within 24 hours
  • Minor anomaly: response within 4 hours, resolution within 15 days
Application évolutive et stable

Strong commitment to data security and regulatory compliance.

  • 100% hosting in France
  • Annual penetration testing by a PASSI-certified organization to meet OWASP criteria
  • Regularly updated security assurance plan
  • Internal security charter
  • Secure user authentication
  • Complete data transferability
  • Pseudonymisation of data
Sécurité et RGPD
Expert Support

A deeply rooted culture of customer satisfaction, we prioritize attentive listening, close collaboration, rapid responses, exceptional service, and efficient solutions.

  • A dedicated account manager for your HR department
  • Accessible by phone, email or chat
  • Average email response time of 12 minutes
  • Average chat response time of 2 minutes
  • Service included in license fee
  • Rated 9.2/10 by our customers
Accompagnement humain Skillup
Scalable and Stable Application

Our engineering team is dedicated to continuously improving our application, ensuring service availability and prompt bug resolutions.

  • Continuous improvement of the application ensures that new features are accessible to all users
  • Service availability of 99%
  • Critical anomaly: response within 2 hours, resolution within 24 hours
  • Minor anomaly: response within 4 hours, resolution within 15 days
Application évolutive et stable
Security and Privacy (GDPR)

Strong commitment to data security and regulatory compliance.

  • 100% hosting in France
  • Annual penetration testing by a PASSI-certified organization to meet OWASP criteria
  • Regularly updated security assurance plan
  • Internal security charter
  • Secure user authentication
  • Complete data transferability
  • Pseudonymisation of data
Sécurité et RGPD


Doodle pour FAQ
Doodle pour FAQ

Is Skillup’s Skills Management module compatible with its Performance Review module?

Yes, the performance review module automatically includes the skills and expected levels of proficiency in the employee's job description. The manager can therefore assess employees' skills during their performance review.  

What is Skills Management?

Skills management is a strategic approach in Human Resources that focuses on identifying, developing, and optimizing employees' skills to align with organizational goals. It involves assessing current skill levels, forecasting future skill needs, and implementing targeted training and development programs. Effective skills management ensures that the workforce is equipped with the necessary competencies, enhances employee performance, and supports career growth, ultimately driving organizational success and adaptability in a dynamic business environment. 

What HR tools are needed when it comes to Skills Management?

La démarche de GEPP s’appuie sur une méthodologie en 3 étapes et des outils spécifiques. On distingue 7 outils incontournables et un bonus : 

  • L’organigramme de l’organisation indiquant les positions hiérarchiques et éventuellement les métiers. 
  • Les entretiens des collaborateurs en poste : entretien annuel d’évaluation et entretien professionnel sont autant de rendez-vous utiles pour la GEPP. 
  • La cartographie des compétences avec une évaluation du niveau pour chacune d’entre elles. 
  • Le référentiel de compétences compilant l’ensemble des compétences par fonction. 
  • Les fiches de poste présentant les métiers de l’entreprise, les compétences rattachées et le niveau attendu. Idéalement, elles sont accessibles à tous les collaborateurs au sein de l’organisation 
  • Les outils de communication RH comme un intranet, une newsletter RH, la possibilité pour les collaborateurs d’opérer une remontée libre de compétences… pour partager la démarche à l’ensemble des salariés 
  • Les processus RH au sens large du terme : recrutement, mobilité, formation… 

Ces outils peuvent être gérés avec des logiciels de bureautique, mais cette mission est particulièrement fastidieuse et les mises à jour sont chronophages. 

C’est le moment de parler du bonus : grâce à un logiciel SIRH dédié à la GEPP tel que Skillup, les RH digitalisent la gestion des compétences et profitent ainsi de gains de temps majeurs et d’une efficacité accrue. 

Ready to Optimize your Skills Management Process?

Contact our team today to schedule a personalized demo.

Discover Skillup