HR team meeting to plan the company's Talent Review
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The 7 Keys to a Successful Talent Review Campaign

Picture of Hugues Peuchot

Hugues Peuchot / Co-Founder @Skillup


Talent review campaigns are a crucial aspect of any company’s talent management strategy. This HR process provides valuable insight regarding the development and performance of each employee within the organization. 

A successful talent review campaign starts with thorough planning and preparation. Discover our seven keys to effectively prepare your talent review.  

1. Understanding the Objective of your Talent Review

A talent review is much more than just an annual employee evaluation. It is a privileged moment to: 

  • Align individual objectives with the company's overall strategy 
  • Identify potential and development needs 
  • Foster a culture of excellence and continuous growth 

Talent reviews foster exchanges and reflection between HR, managers, and employees. The latter benefit from constructive feedback and concrete action plans for their professional development or career advancement. By fully understanding this fundamental objective, HR professionals can effectively direct the preparation of the talent review and optimize its outcomes.

2. Clearly Define the Evaluation Criteria for the Talent Review

The quality of the preparation for the talent review largely depends on the relevance of the evaluation criteria selected. These criteria must be aligned with the company's vision, values, and goals. It is also important to consider the specifics related to the job reference framework for each employee, as well as the overall HR strategy. 

Thus, beyond technical skills, it is crucial to incorporate behavioral and relational criteria. These should reflect the company’s culture in terms of leadership, collaboration, and adaptability. Similarly, defining clear and measurable KPIs makes it easier to assess each employee’s contribution to strategic objectives. 

Precisely defining these evaluation criteria involves accepting that rating scales must limit the number of ratings for better analysis of results. Operational managers must thoroughly understand the method for evaluating performance. HR professionals thus ensure a fair and balanced evaluation, promoting the development of employees' skills and collective success.

3. Select the Right HR Tools

Equipping yourself with the right talent management system (TMS) proves to be a winning strategy, especially to ensure smooth preparation for the talent review. Talent management solutions offer a range of features that simplify and optimize this HR process. 

More importantly, a TMS allows companies to: 

  • Centralize data related to operational performance and employee objectives, facilitating their monitoring and analysis 
  • Customize evaluation criteria based on the specificities of each position or department, ensuring a more precise and relevant evaluation 
  • Facilitate exchanges between the various stakeholders involved in the talent review, thereby improving collaboration and transparency 

Finally, the advanced analytics and reporting capabilities of talent review software enable HR professionals to identify trends, strengths, and areas for improvement. These advantages ensure better efficiency and precision in social management within the company.

4. Engage Stakeholders in the Talent Review Process

A successfully prepared talent review also relies on the active involvement and close collaboration of various stakeholders, including HR, managers, and employees. Each player plays an essential role in the campaign, and their contribution is indispensable to its success. 

HR professionals coordinate and manage the talent review from start to finish. Their expertise in talent management allows them to effectively guide managers in evaluating performance and identifying training needs. Furthermore, their ability to communicate clearly and transparently ensures the understanding and buy-in of all involved actors. 

Managers are directly responsible for evaluating their employees' performance and participating in defining personalized action plans to support their development. Their active involvement and commitment ensure a fair and balanced evaluation. 

Finally, employees play an active role in this process by: 

  • Sharing their professional aspirations 
  • Expressing their development or training needs 
  • Contributing to the development of their objectives 

Their participation and engagement are therefore necessary to ensure the relevance and success of the talent review.

5. Establish a Clear Schedule and Processes

Defining a precise schedule, including the different stages of the process, is essential to ensure good management and rigorous tracking of your talent review. 

HR must collaborate with managers and other stakeholders to establish a realistic schedule that takes operational constraints and overall objectives into account. Once the schedule is established, it should be shared clearly and transparently with all relevant employees. This transparency ensures their engagement and participation. 

Additionally, defining clear and well-established processes is key to the consistency and effectiveness of the talent review preparation. Each step of the process should be carefully defined, specifying the responsibilities of each stakeholder and the deadlines associated with each task. This approach minimizes the risk of errors and delays, ensuring a smooth and efficient process.

6. Provide Training to Prepare Stakeholders

Training for stakeholders should not be overlooked to ensure a clear understanding of the objectives, processes, and expectations related to the campaign. 

HR can plan dedicated sessions for managers and employees to inform them about the challenges and methods of an effective talent review. The format can vary depending on the needs and preferences of participants, including information meetings, training workshops, or individual coaching sessions. 

During these sessions, HR should emphasize the importance of transparency, active listening, and constructive feedback within the context of the talent review. They also provide practical advice on how to: 

  • Gather training needs 
  • Design relevant and achievable objectives to be shared during individual reviews

7. Accept that Talent Reviews are not Always Perfect

This is one of the seven common pitfalls when it comes to talent reviews. While careful preparation of a talent review secures the HR process, it is not uncommon for issues or flaws to arise during implementation. The company’s strategy for identifying talent, adopting evaluation processes, and deploying training plans is not static and evolves over time. 

After the implementation of the talent review, it is essential to conduct a thorough analysis of the feedback and results obtained. This step makes it easier to identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. It is then possible to adjust and optimize practices for future cycles, making career management more relevant. 

Preparing for the talent review requires a structured, collaborative, and efficiency-oriented approach. Ultimately, preparing for the talent review is much more than a simple administrative formality. It is a true engine of engagement and performance. This HR process allows employees to be recognized through development plans, stimulates their potential, and fosters their professional growth.